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A Quicker guide to Grails

This guide initially follows the Grails documentation almost identically but then derails into a path intended to help you, not only build a more robust application in Grails quicker but also give you a rapid understanding of the structure of a Grails application from a birds eye view.

Disclaimer This guide is command line focused.
Meaning most of the time you will be doing things in the command line


$ <- This dollar sign denotes a bash shell, meaning anything that follows it is supposed to be executed in a terminal aka command prompt, If you didn’t know.


$ curl -s "" | bash

$ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"

$ sdk install grails

Creating a Grails Application

The Grails Interactive Console

Just in case you ever need to access it for whatever reason Note:When you run this command make sure your in either a grails app directory or a place you want to make a new grails app
if you plan on doing anything useful that is.

From inside of the interactive console:

Run a Grails app

In the same folder the gradlew file is located (Should be the root app folder)

$ ./gradlew bootRun --D grails.server.port=9090

If all went well!

If all goes well you should be able to open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 or whatever port you used in place of 8080

At a glance

After you create a Grails app these files and folders get created

The bulk of your development in Grails

  • Your work will largely be focused in the grails-app folder.

These are the folders inside the grails-app folder

To start simple We will start by focusing on the:

  • Assets Folder
  • Controllers Folder
  • Views Folder

The assets folder

Contains what are commonly referred to as static files

  • This is where you are going to put your CSS, JavaScript and Images associated with your application
  • Grails is going to know to look here when you reference this stuff in your HTML/(.gsp) files

This is how you reference your CSS in your HTML/(.gsp) files

This is how you reference your JavaScript in your HTML/(.gsp) files

The controllers folder

Controllers deal with

  • Requests
  • This is where you can create logic responsible for handling data to and from the browser
  • Controllers render data that can be used in .gsp files through a language that is called “view tags” which we will get into later

To create a new controller enter the Grails interactive console

$ grails

Then from inside the interactive console:

$ create-controller greeting

The views folder

Views contains

  • All of your applications HTML inside of individual .gsp files
  • To create a new .gsp file
  • Go into the views folder and create a new file with the .gsp extension.
  • Then add some html in it


The layouts folder inside of the views folder:

  • This is where you keep .gsp/HTML files which contain reusable code you want to be able to access in other .gsp/HTML files
  • The concept of the layouts folder is similar to the idea of HTML partials.

Database Interaction

(Still fuzzy on this need to work on this section later)

Grails Domain Class:

  • A way of creating data models which interact with a database.
$ grails

$ create-domain-class yourmodelname

In terms of Grails once it recieves a request:

  • The application looks here in this file:

Which will look something like this:

If the URL doesnt contain a /

  • Ex.
  • and not

Grails looks in the UrlMappings.groovy file for an entry that matches the URL in the request.
In this case if the url does not contain anything extra after .com
Grails associates that as single forward slash /
So it looks for an entry with a single forward slash

Then once Grails finds a match:

  • Grails looks at the thing next to the match
  • In this case the thing next to the forward slash

Then Grails understands it needs to look inside of the views folder for a .gsp file named index

Once Grails finds the .gsp file it renders it to the browser.

Most web frameworks use HTML out the box for web pages.
Grails uses .gsp files which are located in the views folder

.gsp files are almost equivalent to HTML files
They contain regular HTML but also have the ability to interpret other syntax which we will get into later.
If you wanted to stick with regular HTML inside a .gsp file you could though, without an issue.

Make more pages

Navigate to controllers/myapp/

You just successfully registered a new view

Consider the following

When you create a new controller in grails

  • You give the controller a name: ie. ContactList
  • However you create the controller, it should be located:
  • appname/grails-app/controllers/contactlist/ContactList.groovy

package contactlist

    def index() {

The controller should have a couple things inside of it

  • A package which should be the same name of the directory that the file is sitting in
  • A default index method

def index

The index method is saying whenever someone navigates to mycoolsite