Deconstructed Learning System

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What is the deconstructed learning system ?

In plain english:

Sometimes applying this system to certain things can be really tricky. Especially things you can’t really get a good visual on. Things like computer programming or computer operating systems (Whatever the heck those are). It would be nice to have someone who is very knowledgable in specific disciplines break things down using DLS. Thankfully for, things in the computer world at least, I got you covered.

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The System

(Keep in mind this is a process that needs to be written, typed or drawn out and revised till you feel comfortable with the results)

We want to try and identify the core thing in whatever it is we are trying to learn ,the Cornerstone, that if removed will make the rest of the thing not work or change it into something different. Lets call this process “Core Identification.

1. Define The Basics:

Take whatever it is you are trying to learn and write out all of the basic essential things that define it or make it work.

2. Simplify

Take a closer examination of the basics in an attempt to try and find the core most important concept, object, item, building block, thing which can be argued as the cornerstone without which everything else will crumble or not work properly.item

3. Unravel The Simplification

Sometimes once you have identfied what the core or cornerstone is, there may be many moving parts so just simplify again if need be.

4. Examine The Simplification

Study the core learn the core understand it very well. Read about it in detail to a point you feel comfortable teaching someone else about it.

5. Advance

After you understand the core or cornerstone really well and can teach it, start to choose a slightly more advanced or extra feature of whatever it is your trying to learn. Run the new feature through the system untill you get through all of the original basics that your wrote down. Then do the same thing with more advanced topics that would be considered outside of the realm of basic.

Final Thoughts

You might not be able to visualise the system in your head right now or fully understand how it works because in order to do so it needs to be applied to something so that it becomes clear. I make an attempt at applying this system to different topics in the realm of computer science which you can checkout by clicking on the links in the navigation section.

I wish you the greatest of luck in your pursuit of knowledge and understanding. May your best of fate be your worst of luck! Sincerely -Josh